Sunday, December 12, 2021

Winter by Ali Smith

 As we head into the depths of Winter our book will be Winter by Ali Smith....

A family gathers in a large Cornwall house for a Christmas reuinion. With matriarch Sophia and her estranged sister Iris are her son Art and who they believe is his girlfriend Charlotte. Art has paid Lux to pretend to be Charlotte for Christmas. Sophia suffers from visions of a disembodied child's head which follows her around, Iris is in her 70s, one of the original Greenham women, Art is a nature blogger hijacked by the original Charlotte. Lux is a Croatian and is unable to maintain her identity as Charlotte. But, like a figure in a Shakespearean romance —there are many references to “Cymbeline” - Lux magically brings Art, Iris, and Sophia together.

The Southern Book Club's guide to Slaying Vampires

  This US southern-flavored supernatural thriller, set in the '90s, is about a women's book club that must protect its suburban comm...